July 10, 2011

Last Night of Freedom

Naturally, Hantitia and Daidalos had to celebrate their last days of freedom with their friends. Titi’s bachelorette part was first. Isilmae, Viridiana, Ysildiel, Ymkje and Nandina had some nice wine, bread and cheese with Hantitia in the Scarlet Raven Tavern, Duskwood.

Ysildiel had gotten Titi a present – a turban! Also, Ymkje and Goasse wanted to get Titi (and Daidai) something nice for the honeymoon and presented Titi with a lovely and revealing red dress. The bride was grateful for the gifts!

The girls talked about Titi and Daidai, their love and plans for the future. They drank quite a bit of wine and the talk turned to pervier subjects. On that note, there was a surprise appearance. Effex. He had been hired for the job by Nandy. The job was to perform a striptease! The girls loved it!

The whole party was dancing in the end. The girls had an awesome time and Effex’ performance won’t soon be forgotten…

A couple of nights later, Daidalos had his bachelor party. Defderien, Goasse, Shakku and Valur gathered up in Rachet and made their way to Fray island from there.

The boys had some wine and a laugh. Goasse and Valur had prepared a poem for the occasion. It was very sweet, but unfortunately Goasse forgot his lines. He had written them on a piece of paper, but the note he found in his pocket was not the poem, but the grocery list… But it’s the thought that counts!

The boys started the barbeque and had some burgers. There was more wine and cherry grog and the boys got more and more drunk. They decided to do a little fishing, but it didn’t go so smoothly. Shakku managed to throw his fishing rod into the sea. Daidai caught a fish, but it was with his sword, not a fishing rod. After a while, they decided to sit down and open another cask of wine.

The chatter made less and less sense… Some words were had, but they were soon forgotten. It was a bit of a surprise when the calmest person was the first one to pass out. The others thought Defderien was fine left sleeping on the quiet beach.

Just a few days left before the wedding!