November 24, 2016

Pilgrim’s Bounty Party

Shakkuu invited his friends to celebrate the pilgrim’s bounty in Stormwind City. Hanthelia, Vraan, Grieveris and Gauke met the paladin by a table full of lovely treats. The friends had a good meal together and talked about the recent events in their lives. Towards the end of the meal, Shakkuu […]

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November 22, 2016

In the Hall of the Thunder King

Order of the Lost decided to explore a great citadel called the Throne of Thunder. The place was home to the Thunder King and the people closest to him. Losties were not sure what to expect. They encountered many aggressive beings including the Thunder King’s twin consorts! After the prisoner […]

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November 22, 2016

Recruiting Event in Stormwind City

In an attempt to increase their ranks, Order of the Lost spread the word of a fishing event happening in Stormwind City. Shakkuu, Gauke, Vraan, Hanthelia and Grieveris spent an evening fishing by Olivia’s Pond and came across a few people, but none of them were interested in joining the […]

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November 10, 2016

Fishing in Azsuna

The next fishing trip of the Order of the Lost took place in Azsuna. The guild met in Azurewing Repose and made their way to a nearby waterfall. Vraan, Grieveris, Gauke and Hanthelia started fishing and chatting. Gauke was particularly pleased they had come to a good fishing spot to […]

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November 5, 2016

Hallow’s End Party

The Order of the Lost decided to celebrate Hallow’s End together in the form of a costume party. The guild master Hanthelia invited the guild to meet up in Raven Hill, Duskwood. The friends walked across the cemetery, where they saw many ghosts and ghouls. They made their way up […]

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