December 29, 2011

Dun Morogh at Winter’s Veil

Season’s greetings to everyone! Lost Order celebrated the season in Dun Morogh. Shakku, Effex, Goasse, Valur and Hanthelia were present. The friends had dinner together and washed it down with some ale. Hanthy had baked gingerbread cookies for dessert. Losties shared their holiday plans with each other and nommed the […]

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December 19, 2011

Training in Darnassus

Combat Officer Effex invited Lost Order to Darnassus, Teldrassil to do some training. Shakku, Valur, Goasse and Hanea joined him in hopes of learning a few tips. Especially Hanea’s melee fighting skills were quite limited. They started off by running around the training area to warm up. Then Effex ordered […]

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December 10, 2011

Darkmoon Faire

Lost Order was happy to hear about the reopening of Darkmoon Faire and thought they should all visit the grounds together. Effex, Ymkje, Goasse, Sanrai, Shakku, Hanthelia and Isilmae met at the gate. The first attraction they spotted was a huge cannon. A humanoid cannon, actually! Sanrai had tried it […]

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