January 30, 2009

Aargon’s Decision


It had been a while since anyone had seen Aargon. He had done a lot of thinking about the encounter he and Shakku last had. Äisha, Aargon’s wife had come back to him after a long time and well, her death. She was now a death knight, who had broken […]

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January 27, 2009

Lunar Festival Celebrations


Annual Lunar Festival is a popular tradition among Lost Order. They made no exception this year. Shakku, Hanthelia, Neona, Jeriah and Penance gathered to Moonglade to celebrate in the honour of Elune. It had been in the minds of the guild members for a while now that the guild master and Jeriah looked […]

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January 23, 2009

Meeting Niwen


Lost order had gotten a new member, a warlock lady called Niwen. Many had talked to her through their heartstones, but now it was time to finally meet her in person. After a hard day in the tower of Karazhan, Hanthelia, Shakku and Daidalos went to Stormwind to have a […]

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January 15, 2009

Fishing Again


After all the Winter Veil celebrations were over and done with, it was time to start the regular fishing-themed guild meetings. The holidays hadn’t stopped Shakku, Penance, Neona, Hanthelia or Jeriah from helping others and fighting against the Scourge. Shakku, Hanthy and Penny met in Booty Bay, from where they […]

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